
Please enter data below in order to perform a search. In order to better serve data to everyone this page only displays the first 1,000 records of any search. In order to refine your search add more data to search fields. If you have any comments or questions please e-mail Jacob Tate at jacob.tate@co.yakima.wa.us.

To do a situs address search please enter at least 3 characters from anywhere in the address in the search box below. (For example:128 N 2nd St you could search for '128', or '2nd'). Because of the way addresses are indexed in our system, do not include the city or state in your search. Please also be aware that less information is sometimes better (i.e. '2303' would be a better search than '2303 S Main Street') as the search string you enter must be an exact match to what our records show for a situs address. We do not use full street types (Ave instead of Avenue, St for Street) and do not use punctuation in situs addresses. If you have any comments or questions please email jacob.tate@co.yakima.wa.us.

To do a search of a Parcel Number you must search for at least 3 digits of the Parcel Number. Those first six digits represent the Range Township and Section of the Parcel. A parcel Number is formatted as an eleven digit number seperated by a dash between the sixth and seventh digit. (For example: 191319-23405 ). If you have any comments or questions please email jacob.tate@co.yakima.wa.us.

To perform an Excise number search you must search for at least 3 digits of the Excise Number. Excise numbers are six numbers in length although Electronic Excises are preceded by an E (For example: 424000 or E001234 ). If you have any comments or questions please email jacob.tate@co.yakima.wa.us.

There are errors in the search form below: Error in looking up the excise Information you requested. If this repeats, please call Jacob Tate at 574-1112.
Select search type

Your search resulted in no results found. Please ensure that your search criteria are valid.

Error in looking up the excise Information you requested. If this repeats, please call Jacob Tate at 574-1112.
Details for Excise Affidavit # {{selectedExcise.ExciseNumber}}
Grantor Name: {{selectedExcise.GrantorName}}
Excise Date: {{selectedExcise.ExciseDate | date: shortDate}}
Sale Price: {{selectedExcise.SalePrice | number: 0}}
Document Type: {{selectedExcise.DocumentType}}
Portion: {{selectedExcise.Portion}}
Properties Included: {{pn.ParcelNumber}}
Sales Search Results: {{searchResults.ReturnedResults | number:0}} of {{searchResults.TotalResults | number:0}} total records.
Parcel Number ^ v Situs Address ^ v Excise # ^ v Sale Date ^ v Sale Price ^ v Acre(s) ^ v Zoning ^ v Year Built ^ v Quality ^ v Structure Type ^ v Sqft ^ v Beds ^ v
{{e.ParcelNumber}} {{e.SitusAddress}} {{e.ExciseNumber}} {{e.ExciseDate | date: shortDate}} {{e.SalePrice | number: 0}} {{e.LandAcres | number: 2}} {{e.Zoning}} {{e.StructureYearBuilt}} {{e.StructureQuality}}
{{e.TotalStructureSqft | number: 0}}
{{e.TotalStructureSqft | number: 0}}
{{e.BedroomCount | number: 0}}