Parcel Number Search


A Parcel No. must contain 11 digits in the following format: 123456-78901 (the dash must be included).


Property Address Search


The Address search will not work if a Parcel No. has been entered.  If you have a Parcel No. entered, click on the “Clear” button and try your search again.


This address search is based on the parcel’s location address (this is not the mailing address) .  If you know the exact address, enter the street address along with the city name.  If you do not know the exact street address, you will need to enter a portion of the address with a minimum of three (3) characters.  Click “Enter” on the keyboard or the “Parcel Info” button.


If you know the number of the building or house, enter the number.  For example:




This search locates addresses with the number 123 somewhere in the address, as in this list:


10123 Hwy 12, Naches WA 98937

1123 Columbia Ave, Sunnyside WA98944

1123 E 1st Ave, Toppenish WA98948

Tieton Dr/123rd Ave, WA


If you know a portion of the address, enter this information.  For example:


Street Address:       Main

City:                       Granger


This search locates addresses with Main in the address within the City of Granger, as in this list:


103 Main St, Granger WA 98932

Main St, Granger WA 98932

Main St/Sunnyside Ave, Granger WA98932


Select the property you wish to view by clicking on the desired Parcel No.